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Lunch Box Notes – Healthy and Happy Days!

Lunch Box Notes – Healthy and Happy Days!

Lunch Box Notes – Fun and FREE printable lunch notes! Parents—your kids will loves these coloring cards—they'll encourage them and brighten their day! This freebie includes nine color cards with custom characters and motivational messages encouraging children to have a great day and to enjoy a healthy lunch, too! Teachers—share this resource with the parents of your students so they can pop them into lunches! Love this set of lunch notes? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used the it! – Enjoy! Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!